All Categories >Amplifiers/Mixers/Switches >Mixers/Multipliers >Multipliers > Amplified 4F Multiplier, Input 5.25 to 14 GHz,Output 21 to 56 GHz,20dBm

Amplified 4F Multiplier, Input 5.25 to 14 GHz,Output 21 to 56 GHz,20dBm

Model:AQA-2156 192853ID: 

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The AQA-2156 is an amplified frequency multiplier that quadruples the 5.25 – 14 GHz input frequency, producing an amplified 21 - 56 GHz quadrupled output frequency. This multiplier is designed to provide +20 dBm 4F output power with +0 dBm input power, and offers superior harmonic suppressions. It consists of an input buffer APM-6848 amplifier, MMD-1030H doubler, 2nd APM-6848 buffer amplifier, MMD-1648L doubler, and an output AMM-6702 amplifier. It is capable of providing sufficient LO drive for Marki S-, H-, and L- diode mixers.

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